4. Modes in which persons cease to be members of the Society 

Cessation of Membership Any member may cease to be a member of the society by tending his or her resignation in writing to the society, or if the member is expelled by the executive committee of the society. The executive committee shall have the power to caution, suspend or expel any member for;

A. Misconduct; or

B. Any breach, infringement or contravention of the rules, by-lows or regulations of the society; or

C. Conduct against the interest and spirit of the society. In any case where the executive committee is considering the cautioning, suspension or expulsion of a member, the executive committee shall not permit the society’s rules to be compromised. 

A suspended or expelled member shall be notified of his suspension or expulsion in writing and upon receipt of such notice may appeal in writing to the society against his or her suspension or expulsion. Such appeal will be heard at a members meeting and if the majority of the members present at the meeting wish to reinstate the member such member will be reinstated as a member.


All complaints to be heard by the disciplinary committee who will determine and recommend to the executive committee in writing as to what action the executive should take in regards to punishment. The disciplinary committee is to consider all complaints Including complaints against members of the executive.


Croatian Cultural Society Inc.

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