Become a member of the Croatian Cultural Society of New Zealand

We offer our members a place where they can uphold their Croatian identity and enjoy the services on offer – including sports, kolo, card playing, bowls, various social functions and more. Your nomination and their membership will be mutually rewarding to us all.
Download a membership form
Send your completed form to the Club Secretary: [email protected] 

Rules of membership

  • Any person of any degree of Croatian origin or descent, or their spouse may become a ordinary, life, junior and honorary member of the society.
  • Any person other than those set out above may be admitted from time to time as associated members of the Society.
  • Members shall be classified as follows; Ordinary member (18 years of age and over) junior member (under 18 years of age) Family Members, Life Members, Honorary Members and Associate Members.
  • Any person(s) seeking admission to membership of the society shall make application in writing on such form that the executive committee shall provide. The applicant(s) shall be nominated and seconded by two current financial ordinary members.
  • The specified nomination fee and subscription are payable in advance and returnable only in the event of the applicant not being admitted as a member of the society, and must accompany each nomination.
  • Upon receiving an application for membership, the secretary shall notify members in the next newsletter, and shall post to the society notice board the name of the applicant together with names of the nominator and seconder.
  • Any member wishing to object to any such applicant shall do so in writing to the secretary within 14 days of the date of such newsletter, stating his objections. The executive committee shall then without being obliged to give any reason, accept or reject any such application the executive committee decision to admit a person(s) to membership shall be final and binding, except that in the event of any objection having been received within the time stipulated then any decision to admit the applicant to membership must be confirmed at the next members meeting.
  • Should a nomination to admit a person(s) to membership be declined by the executive committee, the nominator and seconder may appeal to the next members meeting notice of such appeal must be placed in the agenda of that meeting if that appeal is to be heard.
  • Family membership is Husband, Wife (partner) and under 18 year-old children living in the same household.
  • Life Membership A member may be admitted to life membership without any payment of subscriptions as a mark of respect or honour or in recognition of services to the society, upon recommendation to the executive committee and who shall recommend at the society’s annual general meeting.

Croatian Cultural Society Inc.

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