The Croatian Cultural Society of NZ regularly hosts Consular days by appointment at our Auckland clubrooms. These consular visits and appointments are managed by the Croatian Embassy based in Canberra, and upcoming dates will be listed on this page as they are confirmed.
For more detailed information on procedures and documentation required for citizenship and passports, please visit - Consular Information.
For all consular matters and/or information concerning the consular days, please contact the Embassy by email [email protected]
Za sva konzularna pitanja i/ili informacije u svezi održavanja konzularnih dana, slobodno nas kontaktirajte na email [email protected]
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 14 - 16 February 2025
10am - 6pm (Please note that Friday hours are subject to change)
At the the premises of the Croatian Cultural Society, 161 McLeod Road, Te Atatu South, Auckland
Consular services will be provided by appointment only. Bookings are essential. Please be advised there are limited slots, so please book early. All bookings will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis.
In order to book your appointment please provide information as per Consular services request form available to download from this page, and send to [email protected] no later than Tuesday 11 February 2025.
Please be advised that while preferred dates will be taken into account, it might not be possible to book an appointment at the preferred date due to prior booking of other applicants. For bookings on Friday, please be advised that the times available are from 10 am to 6 pm, however, if there are not enough applicants for that day, timing might be shortened.
Please note: The consular officer will leave Canberra early on 13 February and will not have access to email from Wednesday 12 February afternoon and will not be able to reply.
Consular services include:
For more detailed information on procedures and documentation required, please refer to - Consular Information. For any further explanation please contact the Embassy by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone: + 61 6286 6988 not later than Wednesday 6 November 2024.
Fees for consular services need to be paid online or directly at an ANZ Bank branch. We are unable to accept cash. Payslips will be distributed during the appointment upon service request.
Please be aware that consular days might be subject to cancellation due to reasons outside of our control Thank you for your understanding.
On Saturday 15 February 2025 at 9:30 there will be an information session regarding the implementation of the ETIAS system which is planned to come into force later this year. This system will require all foreign citizens that do not need a visa to travel to Croatia/EU (including New Zealand citizens) to acquire a travel authorization prior to travel to the EU – similar to what Croatian citizens have to acquire to travel to New Zealand.
The system might affect Croatian citizens that intend to travel to Croatia on foreign passports, and also those that have different names in different identity documents i.e. different names in Croatian and foreign passport.
More information about the ETIAS system can be found here.
u petak, subotu i nedjelju 14 do 16.02.2025.
od 10.00 do 18.00 sati
u prostorijama Hrvatskog kulturnog društva, 161 McLeod Road, Te Atatu South, Auckland
Stranke će se primati isključivo uz prethodnu najavu u unaprijed dogovorenom terminu. Molimo imajte na umu da je broj mogućih termina ograničen, te da će se isti rezervirati na temelju vremena slanja registracije.
Termin je moguće rezervirati putem adrese elektronske pošte [email protected].
Za rezervaciju termina ljubazno molimo dostaviti podatke sukladno priloženoj evidenciji traženih konzularnih usluga, najkasnije do utorka 11.02.2025.
Stranke mogu u prijavi rezervacije navesti koji dan preferiraju, no treba imati na umu da se ta preferencija neće moći ispuniti ako je već popunjen termin za taj dan. Vezano za prijave za ponedjeljak, moguće je rezervirati termine u pravilu od 10-18 h, no ako ne bude dovoljan broj zainteresiranih osoba, trajanje se može skratiti.
Imajte na umu da konzularni djelatnik putuje iz Canberra u četvrtak rano ujutro, te da od srijede popodne nema pristup emailu i ne može odgovoriti na eventualne kasne prijave.
Konzularni poslovi koji će se obavljati uključuju:
Za detaljnije informacije o postupcima i potrebnoj dokumentaciji upućujemo na stranicu – Konzularne informacije, a u slučaju dodatnih pojašnjenja moguća je konzultacija putem elektronske pošte [email protected] ili na telefon +61 2 6286 6988. Rok za dostavu upita je utorak, 11.02.2025.
Uplate za konzularne pristojbe primaju se putem banke. Gotovinu nismo u mogućnosti primati. Uplatnice ćete dobiti na licu mjesta nakon zatražene usluge.
Napominjemo da je održavanje konzularnih dana podložno otkazivanju, u slučaju izvanrednih situacija. Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.
U subotu 15.02.2025. u 9:30 održat će se kratko izlaganje vezano za planirano uvođenje sustava ETIAS kasnije ove godine. Nakon uvođenja ovog sustava, svi strani državljani koji za put u EU ne trebaju vizu (uključujući državljane Novog Zelanda), morat će ishoditi dozvolu za putovanje sličnu kao onu koju hrvatski državljani trebaju ishoditi za putovanje u Novi Zeland.
Ovaj novi sustav može utjecati na one hrvatske državljane koji planiraju putovati u Hrvatsku/EU koristeći svoje strane putovnice, kao i na one koji imaju različite osobne podatke u različitim identifikacijskih dokumentima t.j. koji imaju različita imena u hrvatskoj i stranoj putovnici Više informacija o sustavu ETIAS može se naći na ovoj poveznici.