13. Subscriptions

A.  The annual subscription and nomination fee payable by members (except life members) shall be determined by the annual general meeting.

B.  All annual subscriptions shall become payable on the 1st day of April each year.

C.  Any member who has not paid the annual subscription shall not have the right to vote at any meeting of the society or attend any meeting of the Society until they have done so.

D.  Any member who has not paid the annual subscription within four calendar months of same becoming due shall automatically forfeit his or her right to all privileges of membership of the Society.

E.  Without prejudice to the right to expel any member in arrears in dues, the management committee may however accept any arrears of any time and reinstate any such member to full membership as from such acceptance, this is in accordance with most professional society’s and allows the continuation of membership and if members lapse being financially current.

Croatian Cultural Society Inc.

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