9. Duties of Officers

A.  The President or a Vice President in absence of the President, or at his request, shall preside at all Meetings and functions of the Society. In the absence of the President and the two Vice Presidents at any meeting of the Society, a deputy nominated by the resolution of such meeting shall preside at the meeting and any decision reached at the meeting will be binding. It will be the duty of the person presiding at any meeting in accordance with this clause to ensure that the rules regulations and by-laws of the Society are carried out in all respects.

B.  The Secretary or the Assistant Secretary shall attend all Executive and General Meetings of the Society and shall keep regular and correct Minutes of the same and conduct correspondence According to direction received from Executive Committee. such minutes shall be read at next Following meeting of the same type of meeting, and must be agreed as a true record of Proceedings.

C.  The Secretary shall keep a register in which the current details from time to time shall be recorded of the names , residential  and postal addresses and occupations of all the Society Members.

D.  The Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer shall collect and account for all monies payable to the Society and shall bank all monies promptly to the Society’s bank account. The Treasurer shall pay all accounts due by the Society under the authority and approval  of the Executive Committee and shall keep proper accounts  of the financial affairs of the Society. The Treasurer shall provide to each Executive Committee meeting a report on the state of the Society’s finances.

E.  The Treasurer shall prepare an annual revenue statement, balance sheet and statement of accounts as at the 31st March in each and every year and present the same at the following Annual General meeting. A copy of this report shall be submitted to the Registrar of incorporated Societies as required by the Incorporated Societies Act.

Croatian Cultural Society Inc.

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